Thursday, December 29, 2016
Tallest artificial Christmas tree
The Sri Lankan Christmas tree is claimed to be the world’s tallest artificial Christmas tree.[3][4][5] It is located on the Galle Face Green in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The tree is 238 feet (73 m) tall and opened on 25 December 2016 during Christmas eve night.
The cone-shaped tree is steel-and-wire frame made from scrap metals and woods and covered by plastic nets. It decorated with approximately one million natural pine cones painted gold, green, red and silver colors. It has 600,000 LED bulbs which illuminate the tree at night. On the top of tree there is a 20 feet (6.1 m) tall Christmas star with bulbs, weighing about 60 kg (130 lb). The tree cost Rs 12 million (about US$ 80,000). The tree was constructed by 150 employees of the Sri Lankan Ministry of Ports and Shipping with support from other parties.
Construction work began in August 2016 but was abandoned in first week of December after Catholic Church criticised it as "waste of money", and added "Construction work should be abandoned. Christmas is an occasion for sharing funds with the needy, not to waste money on lavishness... The market economy is using religion as a tool for selling Christmas." Later, work on the tree recommenced after a meeting with Catholic Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith, the archbishop of Colombo.[6][7] Originally the tree was planned to be 100 metres (330 ft) tall but the height had to be reduced to 73 metres (240 ft) due to the delays in construction. A 20 feet (6.1 m) Santa Claus with a sled is placed near the tree.[8]
It is believed that the tree broke the previous record of the world's tallest artificial Christmas tree, which was 56 metres (184 ft) tall and constructed in Guangzhou, China in 2015 by GZ ThinkBig Culture Communication Co. Ltd
Friday, October 28, 2016
The blues are back in Trinco
Since the lost whales of Trinco were rediscovered in 2010, by a team of naturalists at ‘Cinnamon Nature Trails', numerous sightings of blue whales, sperm whales and dolphins have taken place making the season up in the East a rewarding experience. The great blue off the coast of Trincomalee seems to be a popular playground for these marvellous marine mammals during March through April each year.
As in previous years, the Cinnamon Nature Trails team is ready to take guests on a voyage that will almost guarantee a sighting of Whales and Dolphins including a glimpse of a super pod of Sperm whales often seen in Trinco during this period. With all safety measures in place and a crew well experienced to make your cruise pleasurable. The Eastern whale watch is set to begin shortly off the city by the sea.
Head of Eco Tourism for John Keells Resorts Chitral Jayatilake mentioned that all guests who will flock to Trinco this season for whale watching are welcome to submit tale fluke images for an ongoing Blue whale ID programme, while clear images once selected will be uploaded to a Flickr site with picture credit.
Chaaya Blu Trincomalee is situated just a few kilometres off Trincomalee and was built to reflect a retro chic design. Its strategic location gives guests the opportunity to experience these large marine mammals and the acrobatic spin of Dolphins just a few minutes away from the resort, or perhaps if one is lucky enough just at the very shores of the sea at Chaaya Blu. A selection of Beach Chalets, Superior rooms and two Suites make up a total of 81 rooms, with two restaurants; one specialized in seafood and two bars which cater to your every whim.
Friday, October 7, 2016
Cinnamon Wild Yala introduces ‘Dining in the Dark’ for the first time in South Asia!
Imagine taking a night time stroll in the forest. The sounds and smells of nature accompanied by a refreshing breeze, the tingling sense of awareness from the quiet, the tangible dark that blankets your surroundings and sets your senses to an exquisite sense of consciousness; that thrill of the unexpected. Now imagine dining in that darkness. Exploring unchartered waters, Cinnamon Wild Yala stirs the mysterious territory of dining in the dark, personifying the day to day fine dining experience with a heady twist of sensory awareness. It is a sensual feast to the daring diner; a moment to feel completely alive with that special someone. Upon arrival the property’s main bar ‘Pug Marks’, the diners are escorted to a secluded unlit dining area in the wilderness within the hotel guided by well-trained staff and offered a signature cocktail customized to the individual palates of the diners or the option of selecting from an extensive list of fine beverages. The dinner itself is a five course Prix fixe dinner that is a mystery menu that has the diners discovering the subtleties of flavors never thought of but taken for granted due to the distraction of sight. With the flowing wine and the heady scents of food combined with the calls of surrounding nature, it is an experience that sets lasting impressions which are more of a soulful memory than an actual recollection, a moment to be felt than remembered.
It is a process of eating, identifying, connecting the by identifying the distinctive flavors and textures that signify one dish from the other. The mystery menu is a careful selection of dishes bursting with flavor and is only constrained by dietary restrictions of the diners if any and informed by the client in advance inclusive of any vegetarian or vegan meal preferences. Even the table setting is arranged to heighten the culinary experience of the diner with much effort taken to minimize the visual impact. All culinary selections are tailor made to suit the nationality and individual preferences of the diners to create an exciting sequence of dishes designed to enliven and mystify. At the end of the dinner, the guests are presented with photographs of the dinner which can then be used to compare and contrast with the wild guesses and the impressions of the diners. Each diner is presented with a token signifying the experience, a tangible memory of the moments spent in the dark. What can be most exciting is the sudden disregard to the mundane rituals of dining. A guest is at complete liberty to prod and poke at their food, sniff at the surrounding scents or even abandon their cutlery altogether. ‘Dining in the dark’ at Cinnamon Wild Yala is a personification of Cinnamon Hotels & Resorts’ flair for exciting and exhilarating experiences, always the first to engage their clients with memorable, lasting experiences. The lights are out. Let your senses run wild.
Sunday, August 7, 2016
The Flamingos are back to Sri Lanka.
The Flamingos are back to Sri Lanka.
Slowly and surely the migratory Flamingos are flocking to
north Sri Lanka, although they are shunning the south.
There are about 750 Greater Flamingos in Mannar, about 150
in Jaffna and about 100 on Kayts island this season, says the Joint Secretary
of the Ceylon Bird Club, Kithsiri Gunawardena, who has made many a trip up
north recently.Although not swelling to the 5,000-6,000 Flamingos recorded in
2003-04, he is happy that the numbers which dropped to about 200 in Mannar
between 2007 and 2009 are now on the increase.
The south of Sri Lanka particularly Bundala which used to be
colourfully adorned by the beauty of 1,500-2,000 Greater Flamingos.
Going into the intricacies of the sensitivity of the
eco-system, in which the balance may be tilted by even mild changes, this avid
bird-watcher explains that seven to eight years ago Bundala saw large flocks of
Greater Flamingos as the lure was the tiny insect-larvae they preyed on. These
larvae thrived in the brackish water-bodies of Bundala but when fresh water got
mixed with the brackish water due to the Lunugamvehera project, the salinity
dropped and the insect-larvae were not able to survive.No food meant there
would be no Greater Flamingos, is the obvious conclusion, and if only
environmental experts were called in to minimise the effects, Sri Lanka’s south
would still attract these beautiful birds, it is understood.
Lamenting that Flamingos which make their way from the Rann
of Kutch in Pakistan where they breed and then migrate south during the winter,
have one less habitat now with the loss of Bundala, he urges the protection of
what is left – Mannar, Jaffna and Chundikulam.It is a lesson on the exotic
birds, both migrant and resident, that Mr. Gunawardena gives when the Sunday
Times asks about speculation that the migrants have not come in their usual
numbers to Sri Lanka this season.
Sri Lanka has 453 species of birds of which 237 species are
resident birds which means that they breed here. The balance 216 bird species
are migrants among whom 72 species are considered “vagrants” coming on and off
unlike the others which are regulars. Sri Lanka which is at the tip of India
shares 89% of all bird species with India but 11% of the resident birds here
are endemic.This has come about due to different climates and elevations within
our tiny country.. The endemism is due to montane and low-land forests.
Referring to speculation that migrant-bird numbers have
dropped, he points out that climate change and the recent floods which have
inundated large tracts of land have scattered the ducks and waders. It will
only be the Water Fowl Census which is carried out in February that would
indicate whether the numbers have dropped or there are fluctuations.Climate
change, according to him, which has far-reaching effects has also had an impact
on the migratory patterns. Usually, the migrant-season in Sri Lanka is from
end-September (2012) to end-March 2013, but the severe winter in the Arctic had
brought in its wake, the migrants here as early as March 2012.
Unfortunately, March to August is when the resident-birds
breed, but due to the migrants coming in early, the residents have had to face
food issues. Some of the waders which arrived in June-July instead of
September-October are Black-tailed Godwits and Whimbrels.Getting back to the
statistics, that of the 237 resident species, 33 species are endemic and for
90% of these the only home is the low-land forests mainly Sinharaja, Samanala
kanda and Knuckles.
This is why there needs to be stringent protection. It is
vital to safeguard this endemism by prevention of encroachment into their
habitat.The same solution is relevant with regard to migrants – the challenge
is to preserve the pristine environment that flagship species such as Flamingos
and rare birds such as the Pintail, the Wigeon, the Shovellers and even the
Common Teal have made their second home for six months of the year.
Ecology is such a sensitive thing and many factors are
inter-connected, he says, comparing it to a car. If one or two nuts and bolts
are removed, the car may run for a short while but would ultimately stall and
come to a standstill.There are only a few spots in the world like Vidathalthiv,
between Pooneryn and Mannar where we can see as many as a million birds at the
same time, he says, adding that it is our bounden duty to protect such
spots.The greater Flamingos are back to Sri Lanka.
Friday, July 22, 2016
Kandy Esala Perahera
There are many number of perahara festivals in Sri Lanka. Almost all perahera festivals are based on the religion, especially Buddhism. The Esala Perahera in Kandy is one of the oldest and grandest of all Buddhist pageants in Sri Lanka. Even though it is a Buddhist event, other religions devotees also take part here. The Esala Perahera in Kandy parades along the streets to honor the sacred Tooth Relic and the four ‘guardian’ Gods: Natha, Vishnu, Kataragama and Goddess Pattini.
The Kandy Esala Perahera is held annually in July and August on days fixed by the Diyawadana Nilame of the Dalada Maligawa (Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic). The Sacred Tooth Relic was brought to Ceylon in the reign of King Kirthisiri Meghawanna who ruled at Anuradhapura from 303 – 331 AD.
On the following new moon in July an Esala tree or at the present time, usually a Jak tree or Rukkattana tree is cut and ‘Kap’ planted in Natha, Maha Vishnu, Kataragama and Pattini dewalas vowing that the perahera will be held. For the next four days the ‘dewala perahera’ is conducted within the dewala premises.
Following this first stage, the perahera goes in procession for ten days in succession over a prescribed route along the main streets of Kandy. On each of these days, the peraheras of dewalas proceed to the entrance to the Dalada Maligawa, where they join the Maligawa perahera and the combined procession goes winding along the prescribed route.
The first six days of the perahera is called the Kumbal Perahera, and the second phase of the perahera, the Randoli Perahera, from the randoli or the gilded palanquins of the four dewalas, which are a feature of the processions the next five nights and the last night is the grandest of all. The main perahera procession consists of five separate peraheras which are Dalada Maligawa Perahera, Natha dewala perahera, Maha Vishnu dewala perahera, Katharagama dewala perahera and Pattini dewala perahera.
All pereharas are comprised with religious and cultural items. Whip crackers lead the way and announce the approach of the perahera by cracking their whips. Whip crackers come into picture only at the commencement of the Randoli Perahera. They do not take part in the kumbal perahera. The flag bearers walk next in single file on either side of the road. After that Peramune rala rides on the first elephant.Next comes the drummers playing Hevisi or martial music on a variety of drums such as dawula, tammettam and bera and blowing horanawa.
The Gajanayaka Nilame comes next. He rides on elephant and carries a silver goad (Ankusa) which is the symbol of his authority. After that Kariyakorale, who is, next to the Diyawadana Nilame. Now comes Maaligawe tusker to carry the perahera karanduwa (golden casket) containing the sacred relics. A canopy is held over the tusker, and pavada. Those who have the privilege of going up to the octagon and watching the formation of the perahera from there still get chance of seeing the Diyawadana Nilame comes into the courtyard of the temple accompanied by drummers and dancers walking on pavada and carrying aloft the golden casket.
The Natha dewala perahera, maha Vishnu dewala perahera, Katharagama dewala perahera, pattini dewala perahera follows the Maligawa perahera respectively. The long procession ends with the Randolis borne by the tenants of the Dalada Maligawa. The Diyawadana Nilame may, if he desires, invites the Adikarams and Dissawes to walk with him in the Perahera. Furthermore, if for any reason he is unable to officiate in the procession, he may ask one of the Basnayake Nilames to take his place.
Incidentally, the best time to see Esala Perahera is on the last two nights. This festival is a sacred festival to all of us. We have to give our respect as much as we can. As the Sri Lankans we should reserve a time to watch this colorful event lively.
Saturday, July 16, 2016
Kataragama Pada Yatra
Among the ancient living traditions that survive in Sri Lanka, few are as well known or as poorly understood as that of the Kataragama Pada Yatra. Starting from the island's far north and ending up to two months and several hundred kilometers later at the Kataragama shrine in the remote southeastern jungle, the Kataragama Pada Yatra tradition has played a major role in propagating and perpetuating traditions of Kataragama throughout Sri Lanka and South India. Predating the arrival of all four of Sri Lanka’s major religions, it is essentially a tradition inherited from the island's indigenous forest-dwellers, the Wanniya-laeto or Veddas, as the Kataragama shrine's Sinhalese kapurala priest-custodians themselves readily concede.
Traditional foot-pilgrimage or Pāda Yātra is not, as many people believe, a peace march, but an annual reenactment of espisodes related as legend and myth about Kataragama. Simple, ordinary people who say they have received a 'call', take part in this marathon walk.
Leaving everything behind but a bundle of essentials, they experience the homeless life of a beggar or religious recluse. Deep lessons about the paradoxes of life are driven into them in a sustained act of self-denial.
Sleeping and living outside, under trees and in shrines and temples; seldom knowing from where their next meal will come, braving death from animal attacks and worse in recent times; seldom knowing from where their next meal will come; braving death from animal attacks and worse in recent times; these are the factors of Pāda Yātra that make it such an intense spiritual opportunity for those who receive the 'call'.
Prior to 1950 when a motorable road was extended up to Kataragama from Tissamaharama, the only way pilgrims could reach Kataragama was on foot or by bullock cart. All that has changed since then and now Kataragama is easily reachable by regular bus service from Colombo and other districts including the Eastern Province where the pada yatra tradition still flourishes. For uncounted centuries, however, pilgrims had come on foot not only from points all over the island but also from India and even occasionally from Central Asia.
In 1988 the Kataragama Devotees Trust and Cultural Survival (precursors of the Living Heritage Trust) revived this ancient tradition that had gone into abeyance since 1983. That first year a mere 60 pilgrims dared to walk on this historic revival that has recently grown to over 30,000 annually. The devout respect of all for Skanda-Murukan,the wargod of Kataragama and ruler of the region, ensures the safety of the pilgrims.
The traditional foot pilgrimage from Jaffna to Kataragama not only serves to raise public awareness of the traditions linking North and South, but also helps to break down barriers dividing communities long separated by decades of conflict. The very sight of traditional Pada Yatra pilgrims walking from the North once again after decades of conflict has lifted the hearts and spirits of young and old alike throughout the length of the East Coast.
The multi cultural nature of the Kataragama region enables Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Christians and those of any other religion to practice their faith in the safety of a sacred area.
Before the escalation of the war and the termination of the ferry service across the Palk Strait wise men and women representing many lineages came to Lanka as pilgrims from all over India. The tradition of visiting Adam's Peak and Kataragama (also called Dakshina or Southern Kailasa)has its origins in mythology.
Hills, certain old trees, rocks and sacred groves along rivers are landmarks in a culture where everything is sacred and connected with mythical exploits. Indeed, the Kataragama region is also known as Deviyange Kaele ('the God's own Forest').
Panama is the home of a culture in transition from hunter-gatherer to cultivator. It is a forest village culture of commingled Sinhala and Tamil identity. This homogeneous culture is on the verge of disappearance in Sri Lanka due to absurd claims of ethnic purity in an island context.
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Catching a Glimpse of the Impressive Devon Waterfall

Even though human are slashing and destroying the natural beauty of the world, still there are many wonderful nature creations are proudly standing in Sri Lanka. Among many nature wonders, Devon Waterfall is one of popular waterfalls, which has an incredible scenery and awe-inspiring power of water and is located in Talawakele, Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka. This dramatic waterfall is known as the “Veil of the Valley” because of its unique formation and it is with an impressive height of 97 meters.
Devon Waterfall is the 19th highest waterfall in Sri Lanka and the name of “Devon” derives from a pioneer English coffee planter called Devon. Travelers can easily reach this Devon Waterfall via Avissawella – Nuwara Eliya A7 Highway and it is located at a convenient location where anyone can make a stop. But if you want to have adventurous things, you have to find the top of the falls through Dimbula – Nawalapitiya road. The base of the Devon Waterfall is also another dramatic location there and travelers can reach it via lush tea estates. It is located some 500 meters down. However, the best, enormous and attractive views of Devon Waterfall can be captured by viewing from Dimbula, where has a dedicated viewing platform. While travelling by a train on the Kandy to Nuwata Eliya line (rail tracks closer to Waagoda) also, travelers can enjoy the fascinating views of this Devon Waterfall. Not only that, but travelers can view these amazing sceneries of this fall from the hamlet of Midigama.
Therefore, travelers those who to lost in greenery and water world, Nuwara Eliya and Ratnapura areas are some of best areas in Sri Lanka and this Devon Waterfall is one of the best destinations. And there are many other noteworthy things of bio diversity to see and enjoy there including Bambarakanda Waterfall, Bakers Waterfall, St Clairs Waterfall and Diyaluma Waterfall. And there is wide range of eco-friendly affordable and best Nuwara Eliya hotels and Ratnapura Hotels available, out of endless selection of Hotels in Sri Lanka. So, it’s time to get in touch with one of planet’s mightiest nature creations; Devon Waterfall.
Friday, April 8, 2016
Sinhala and Tamil new year
Historically Sinhala Aluth Avurudda was celebrated in the Kandyan Kingdom as a national festival under the patronage of the ancient kings. The day of Avurudu was fixed in keeping with the rituals. The astrologers used to worked out Nekath (auspicious times) to perform the traditional rituals for good luck, prosperity and happiness for the people and kingdom.
The morning of Avurudda brings about social customs and good behaviour of the Sinhala people. In past people being farmers, used to complete their major harvest "Maha" and the Avurudu was the time to give thanks. The customs and rituals portray the beliefs and thinking of the people whose life is centred around agriculture. Rituals connected with Aluth Avurudda commence with bathing on the last day of the old year (Parana Avurudda) and viewing the moon on the same night. In the village temple, the pealing of the bell accompanied with the beating of drums (Hewisi) make the people aware of the times to perform different rituals.
Children offer betel to parents to show gratitude AND PARENTS PRAY AND GIVE BLESSINGS
People visit the temple during the time of "Sanskranthi" the transitional believed to be non auspicious times (Nekath) for any other thing. It is also called "Nonagathe" since its time to pray and get blessings from the monks and god it is also called "Punniya Kale"
People put on new clothes (Avurudu Kumaraya) to signify that dawn of the New Year.
The begining of the year is seen by women as auspicious to commence their work at their homes. They start the work by facing to the specific direction light the stove/hearth to begin the preparation of traditional Kiribath. Before this they keep milk in a new terracota pot to boil so as that it spills over from all sides of the pot this symbolizes prosperity. They cook along with a curry called "Hath Maluwa" which has has seven different flavours. People also make several other sweat foods during this festive season.
During the days of the Kandyan Kingdom, the anointing of oils and Nanu (Herbal mixture) was done before taking the ceremonial bath. This was a feature during the new year, showing the patronage of the Kings. It was their special interest taken by them to look after the health of the people. The anointing ceremony was planned as a religious ceremony by the royal Nekath Mohottala, who would directly supervise it in accordance with his instructions. The royal physician prepares the oils as well as Nanu (herbal mixture) for applying on the head before taking a bath in the new year.
The applying of Nanu is done only on Wednesday because it is on that day "Nanumuraya" is performed at Sri Dalada Maligawa and also at four devales in Kandy. Nanumuraya is meant for bathing the deities in the far off devales. This is performed in the form of a symbolic manner to bathe the four guardian deities of Lanka. The preparation of oils and the herbal mixture are done by extracting the juices from herbal leaves, flowers and fruits (seeds). The oils and juices are poured into 1000 small clay pots and then taken on the day before the New Year to Nath Devale Hewisi Maduwa.
The officials from Sri Dalada Maligawa, three other devales, outstation devales, Raja Maha Viharas, and 65 royal listed places assemble at Natha Devala. The Kariyakorala of Sri Dalada Maligawa then distributes the oils and Nanu among those gathered who in turn take them in procession to their respective places of worship. These preparations are distributed among the people who use them on the day of the application of oil and Nanu anointing before bathing.
This practice continues to this day. The reason for the selection of Natha Devala was because of the belief that God Natha had curative power and hence Natha Devala was selected as the venue for the distribution of oils and Nanu.
Sinhala Aluth Avurudda cannot be classified as a religious festival. However customs and rituals associated with Aluth Avurudda have been fashioned according to Buddhist beliefs.
Sunday, April 3, 2016
Keep Waterdrops falling on your head - Bambarakanda Waterfall
Are you excited to discover the wonderful and the tallest nature creation more than just a pretty waterfall in Sri Lanka? Bambarakanda Waterfall is the highest waterfall in Sri Lanka and it’s one of best picturesque waterfalls that impress travelers with its might, height and its dramatic location. This spectacular waterfall is located in Badulla district, Sri Lanka and it is 241 meters in height. And it has been recognized as the 299th highest waterfall in the world. Due to its impressive height, incredible scenery and awe-inspiring power of water, it has been more popular among worldwide travelers.
This Bambarakanda Waterfall is formed by a stream called “Kuda Oya” which starts from Horton Plains above. The path of this Bambarakanda Waterfall also gives the excitement to the tourists due to it has winds and snakes its way across a dramatic scenery with massive mountain ranges and lush plains stalking the route. And also this path has a calm sight with many streams and rivers. So, through the lush greenery and crossing a quaint bridge that shines over a cascading stream, travelers will have a short walk to this beautiful Bambarakanda Waterfall. At this beautiful destination, travelers can enjoy and experience the non-stop spray of icy water. Not only that, but they also have a rock pool at the base of this waterfall during the dry season. During the dry season, it’s a bather friendly waterfall. Noisy sound of falling water of this waterfall during it is in full swing and high spray of the water which reminding the cooling power of water are some of significant things of this Bambarakanda Waterfall. And the beauty of the majestic cascading falls which are created and heightened by the gushing water nonstop bouncing off rock shelves on its way down is one of best view of this Bambarakanda Waterfall.
Therefore, travelers who wish to feel the power of the planet's mightiest waterfalls, Bambarakanda Waterfall in Sri Lanka will be a best travel destination. Would you like to view and enjoy any other waterfalls which give indescribable feeling of pleasure; by its constant beating, it quickens the circulation and provides a fine glow all over the body; and has, besides, in Sri Lanka? Bakers Waterfall, Devon Waterfall, St Clairs Waterfall and Diyaluma Waterfall are some of them. And there is wide range of eco-friendly affordable and best Nuwara Eliya hotels and Ratnapura Hotels available, out of endless selection of Hotels in Sri Lanka. Thus, be hastening, it’s time to get hooked easily on one of roaring natural wonders; Bambarakanda Waterfall!
Pasikuda Beach – An Idyll for Making Your Toes Happy
Checking a best dramatic landscape with a ring of white sand, to spend your holiday? Out of many spectacular and beautiful beaches around the world, Pasikuda Beach is an attractive beach in Asia, located in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka. Not only the picturesque sights, but Pasikuda Beach is a perfect family-friendly sandy spot also with wide sand, calm waves and easily accessible amenities. So, for the travelers who are seeking a beach which has picturesque views and is family-friendly beach, Pasikuda Beach will be idylls to enjoy.
Beautiful Pasikuda lies between Kalkudah and Indian Ocean, with thirty five kilometers from Batticaloa town in Eastern Province of Sri Lanka. With shallow and crystal clear water, golden bay, coral reefs, palm trees and white sand and how great this nature creation makes pleasure to spend the leisure time freely, of not having to look both ways to cross the street before feeling the sand between the toes of yours! One of significant thing of this Pasikuda Beach is that it let beach lovers to walk 50m out to sea and parents can let their kid to enjoy at this beach also. And throughout the year, the beach is crowded by local as well as foreign beach lovers due to it’s a nest place to have many water activities such as kite surfing, boogie boarding to surfing, snorkeling and sailing across in a canoe, while it is able to have a safe environment for swimming. As Pasikuda Beach is with the attraction of surfing the waves, pulling off cool systems, jumping high off the wave and spinning in the air, during the seasons, it is a popular beach of water surfing sportsmen and women as well as it is an ideal destination for the beginners in water surfing too.
If you’re looking for have your next warm-weather escape, this is an unspoiled beach with many unobstructed views, Pasikuda Beach is the perfect destination to experience sun bath and also it is a best holiday venue to have diving to surfing, opt of abundant displays of marine life, to walk along the long shallow coastline and enjoy the pristine sandbank.
Therefore, to return home with “got-there-first bragging rights”, add Pasikuda Beach for your Sri Lanka’s journey! And, not only this captivating destination, but there are many other attractions can be discovered in Batticaloa also, including Kalkudah Beach, Kallady Beach and Batticaloa Fort. All these wonders in eastern Province can be enjoyed while relaxing at best and affordable Hotels & Accommodations in Batticaloa, out of endless selection of Hotels in Batticaloa which are culturally and architecturally distinctive.
Friday, April 1, 2016
A Flourishing Horticultural Oasis - Peradeniya Botanical Gardens
Have you known that you can see the culture of the country, when you see a garden? As the country has chosen to import and show off the plants at the garden that how it wants to be seen, the horticultural oasis reflects its culture too. Peradeniya Botanical Gardens is one of best travel destinations in Sri Lanka to experience its horticultural hot spots. And it makes to return with fresh perspectives too. Peradeniya Botanical Gardens is the largest botanical gardens in the country, which is located in Kandy, Central Province in Sri Lanka. And the longest river of Sri Lanka, called Mahaweli River also flows nearby this fantastic eco destination, and that gives a picturesque view too.
Even though, this garden displays abundant flora species, it is popular for the beautiful collection the variety of Orchids. More than 300 varieties of Orchids, spices, medicinal plants and palms trees are recorded and this beautiful garden spreads over 147 acres. Before turning this destination to a botanical garden, it was a royal pleasure garden of King Kirthi Sri Rajasinghe during the time of 1747-80. This Peradeniya Botanical Gardens was formed by Alexander Moon in 1821. There are about 4,000 species of plants, occupies 146 acres and 150 acres of trees, lawns and flowering shrubs recorded at this attractive oasis. And floriculture conservation, butterfly conservation, birdlife conservation and insect conservation are some of significant as well as wonderful things of this garden. Some of main attractions at the Peradeniya Botanical Gardens are Mahaweli River, palms, orchids’ collections, gymnosperms, an Octagon Conservatory, fernery, banks of giant bamboo from Burma and numerous flower borders with cannas, hibiscus, chrysanthemums, croton, colorful bougainvillea and an artificial lake in the shape of the island of Sri Lanka. And also, visitors can explore several avenues near by the Mahaweli River Bank of this garden, such as Double coconut Avenue, Cook’s Pine Avenue, Cabbage Avenue, Palmyra Palm Avenue and Royal Palm Avenue. Not only plant life, but there are many wild lives can be found too. It is recorded this Peradeniya Botanical Gardens has around 80 bird species, 15 amphibian species and 18 species of mammals. However, for a particularly spectacular experience, visitors should plan a visit starting after the month of March, which is the time that new flowers are blooming.
Therefore, travelers who wish to enjoy hiking, bird watching, discovering butterflies and colorful flowers and experience the cool environment, Peradeniya Botanical Gardens in Sri Lanka will be a best travel destination. In addition to this picturesque location, there are many noteworthy gardens and parks to discover in Sri Lanka, such as Hakgala Botanical Gardens, Henarathgoda Botanical Gardens, Victoria Park and Viharamahadevi Park. And travelers can find a best relaxation spot, since there is a wide range of eco-friendly affordable and best Kandy hotels available at Hotels in Sri Lanka. Therefore, no matter what you prefer on the floral front, this Peradeniya Botanical Gardens is well worth a trip.
Magnificent and Incontestably Picturesque Fall – Bakers Waterfall
Would you like easily get hooked on some roaring natural wonders? Among various Sri Lanka’s beautiful waterfalls with their lofty heights and stunning powers, Bakers Waterfall is one of attractive roaring natural wonder. Within theHorton Plains National Park, Nuwara Eliya in Sri Lanka, this amazing nature creation is located.
British explorer Sir Samuel Baker accused by finding and naming this Bakers Waterfall. It is said that Sir Samuel had found this beautiful waterfall whilst he was trying to establish an agricultural settlement around that area. The Bakers Waterfall plunges 22 meters into the gorge below. To view the monstrously loud and the mist rising of this fall, visitors have to trek about 03 km from the Horton Plains National Park Information Center at its entrance. Or, visitors should select the right fork at the start of the World’s End path of Horton Plains National Park, to head reach this beautiful waterfall.
Not only the waterfall, but also the footpath towards the Bakers Waterfall is also attracting her visitors by the eco experience. Visitors lose themselves in cold, misty and grassy plains by passing a number of serene brooks and streams along the way. Travelers can enjoy several picturesque views near this fall. Her fallings over a wide rock into a valley covered with attractive and beautiful wild flowers such as Rhododendrons, Orchids and plentiful giant Fern bushes is one of breath-stealing views of Bakers Waterfall. Do you want to refresh and stimulate your mind, body and soul with a gentle sound of a waterfall? If so, this Bakers Waterfall will be one of your favorite travel destinations. This attractive Bakers Waterfall begins with a long pool which flows over, splitting into thousands of various streams. Halfway down, it creates the second smaller falls of Bakers Waterfall. These white curtains of water flow over three heights of smooth rock before plunging into the gorge below, is a magnificent view of nature creations.
Therefore, travelers who wish to feel the power of the planet's mightiest and most beautiful waterfalls, Bakers Waterfall in Sri Lanka will be a best travel destination. Would you like to view and enjoy any other amazing waterfalls in Sri Lanka? Bambarakanda Waterfall, Devon Waterfall, St.Clair Waterfall and Diyaluma Waterfall are some of them. And there is wide range of eco-friendly affordable and best Nuwara Eliya hotels and Ratnapura Hotels available, out of endless selection of Hotels in Sri Lanka. Thus, it’s time to get hooked easily on one of roaring natural wonders; Bakers Waterfall! - See more at:
Thursday, March 24, 2016
White Water Rafting at Kitulgala
Kitulgala is located about 80 kilometres from Colombo on the A7 main road that runs to Nuwara Eliya via Avissawella. Kitulgala is a pleasant town set amidst green hills thick with tropical vegetation. The name Kitulgala itself is derived from the Kitul palm tree, groves of which are abound in the expanses. Kitul sap is concentrated and then crystallized to produce jaggery. Kitul sap is also fermented to make palm wine.
Kitulgala is the movie location of where David Lean’s 1957 epic, Bridge on the River Kwai was filmed.
A calm stretch in the River Kelani between two rocky outcrops on either side is the movie location where the railway bridge for the movie was constructed. The water flows silently in this stretch of the river, which is quite deep and sluggish.The boulder strewn stretch of the Kelani River at Kitulgala offers an ideal setting for White Water Rafting. White Water Rafting at Kitulgala gives the chance to enjoy the stunning tropical scenery of the region. This adrenaline filled adventure sport is suitable for first time rafters and experts alikeThe town of Kitulgala is situated on a particularly delightful stretch of the Kelani River where the rapids over the rock-strewn river bed are exhilarating. The high banks of the river are sheltered by tall bamboo trees.
A calm stretch in the River Kelani between two rocky outcrops on either side is the movie location where the railway bridge for the movie was constructed. The water flows silently in this stretch of the river, which is quite deep and sluggish.The boulder strewn stretch of the Kelani River at Kitulgala offers an ideal setting for White Water Rafting. White Water Rafting at Kitulgala gives the chance to enjoy the stunning tropical scenery of the region. This adrenaline filled adventure sport is suitable for first time rafters and experts alikeThe town of Kitulgala is situated on a particularly delightful stretch of the Kelani River where the rapids over the rock-strewn river bed are exhilarating. The high banks of the river are sheltered by tall bamboo trees.
Kitulgala also attracts bird watching enthusiasts and nature lovers in addition to the White Water Rafters in view of the birdlife abound in the Kitulgala Forest Reserve. Most of the birds found in the Sinharaja Rain Forest are seen at Kitulgala too. Since the Kitulgala Forest Reserve is a secondary forest that is more open than the densely wooded Sinharaja, the endemic species like Orange-billed babbler, chestnut-backed owlet, Sri Lanka Spurfowl, Green-billed Coucal and Spot-winged Thrush are spotted with lesser trouble.Kitulgala White Water Rafting takes about a 90 minute run each for 6.5 km with five rapids graded 2 and 3. The Rapids with their own distinctive characters are aptly named: Head Chopper, Virgin’s Breast, Butter Crunch, Killer Fall and the Rib Cage. Riding modern rafts equipped with safety gear, White Water Rafting at Kitulgala is safe for even kids over 10 years in age.
The best time to enjoy White Water Rafting at Kitulgala is the period between May to December. During periods of heavy rain, the river could turn out to be very volatile and White Water Rafting becomes very unsafe. The adventure operators on site would advise all water sports enthusiasts on the matter. However water levels could drop surprisingly fast, turning the river to its regular state during the rainy season as well.White Water Rafting during three nights on either side of the full moon brings about a heightened sense of adventure for all enthusiasts bent on an extra mile. Referred to as Black rafting, all rafters are equipped with a headlight and safety gear.
Saturday, March 19, 2016
hot air ballooning

Feel the excitement as you lift off and drift effortlessly over the spectacular scenery. As the climbing goes on unnoticed, find yourself amidst endless horizons of rugged mountains and green fields with only the burners to disturb the peace.
Watch your pilot gradually lower the balloon until it is just inches above the evergreen trees. as you pick leaves or touch the tree tops, spot a bird or an animal waking to the daybreak.
Air Ballooning is an expirience unlike traditional air travel, where u cannot feel movement and the silence is absolute. Leaving you to enjoy the surroundings with utmost serenity and peace.
Watch your pilot gradually lower the balloon until it is just inches above the evergreen trees. as you pick leaves or touch the tree tops, spot a bird or an animal waking to the daybreak.
Air Ballooning is an expirience unlike traditional air travel, where u cannot feel movement and the silence is absolute. Leaving you to enjoy the surroundings with utmost serenity and peace.
Since flights average about an hour or so and the whole excursion is upto about 3 ½ hours from the time of pick up to the time you are dropped back at your hotel.
Where the hot air balloon flies is always in the direction of the wind and no two flights are the same.
Of course, Hot Air Ballooning flights are subjected to weather conditions on the scheduled day. An early morning wake up call confirms the ride. If a flight is cancelled in view of the bad weather, payment will be refunded.
The destination or the exact route of a Hot Air Ballooning cannot be predicted since the flight is subjected to as the wind direction.
Since it is little warmer high up in the air, the hot air ballooning enthusiasts are advised to dress casually. A hat or cap to shade you from the sun is an excellent idea. Closed toe shoes are recommended in view of the limited floor space of the wicker basket.
Hot Air Ballooning trips are operate during this season. During the period of November to May, most often the winds are light and the sky is at its bluest. Of the season March and April offer the best weather.
At other times of the year too Hot Air Ballooning is possible. However strong winds blowing from the east take you downwind of the mountains on the western side of the island.
The Tourism Promotion Bureau of Sri Lanka in association with the Ceylon Airship and Balloon Club organizes Sri Lanka Balloon Festival on yearly basis. The participants that arrive from Asia and Europe annually are treated to an exclusive week-long tour of the island. The 2011 Sri Lanka Balloon Festival was held in March.
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Blow Hole
The “Hummanya” blow hole is a well-known attraction in the deep South of the country and it certainly lives up to expectations. Seeing it was an exhilarating experience and one that shouldn’t be missed.So how do you get there? Passing the Matara town and after Dickwella, one has to turn right at Kudawella and proceed about 1.1 km. Residents in the area offer to take care of your vehicle at a nominal fee About a 20-minute trek along newly built shallow steps brings you to the spot. All along the way little kiosks sell cool drinks and the fresh catch of the area – fish! The batter fried preparation of different kinds of fish, was delicious.Even from far away, one can hear the sounds of the blow hole. There are intermittent periods of silence and then there are sounds similar to the faraway rumbles of thunder – “Ho-ho-ho”. This is when the pressure builds up. Then after a while one hears the delightful sound of the spray as it hisses high up-almost 120 feet into the sky at times.
Reaching our destination, what greeted us was a large expanse of rocky cliffs. In the middle, there seemed to be a split, within which was a fissure (a long narrow cleft or crack) – through which the water came shooting up, like a tall fountain that appeared momentarily with a huge ‘whooshing’ sound.Once in every 10-15 minutes or so, the water pressure builds up to give out the stunning spray. Waiting for that moment can be quite tense, especially if one is hoping to capture it on film as it is over in a flash. I had to click many times and wait a long while to capture a few good shots. But I could have gone on waiting for hours, so special was the moment. For the hour of so that we were there, the spray reached up to about 120 feet once, while at other times it was less.Going back down the steps one feels tempted to eat more of the delicious fish, salayas, kumbalawas and even sprats strung together on ekels- all batter fried and then wash it down with a cool Ginger Beer.Before heading back home, we also visited the Dondra Head lighthouse. One has to turn right at Devinuwara and proceed 1.2 km to come to this, the southern most tip of the country.The beach surrounding this area is beautiful and one can spot many rock pools with colourful fish swimming among the green seaweed.
Monday, March 7, 2016
Good Friday
Some Christians may attend special church services or prayer vigils. Good Friday is a day of mourning and quiet prayer for many Christians. The candles are often extinguished and statues, paintings and crosses may be draped in black, purple or gray cloth. Some Catholics treat Good Friday as a day of fasting, while others observe a partial fast involving the exclusion of meat.
Some homes keep a quiet atmosphere, with little or no outside activities and limited television, radio, and computer use, in observing Good Friday. Others choose to play music such as JS Bach's St. Matthew's Passion.Some people bake hot cross buns, a traditional Good Friday sweet.
Good Friday is another day at work for many Americans, as it is not a national holiday. Some people may choose to take a day off work and have a long “Spring Break” weekend. In some states, employees are given a day off on Good Friday.
Good Friday is not an official holiday in the United States. Regular services will continue according the schedule in some areas, including Toledo, Ohio, where the city’s refuse will be collected during its regular schedule. However, financial markets, as well as many businesses, public schools and universities/colleges are closed on Good Friday.
Good Friday is a state holiday in some states such as Hawaii, where city and state offices are closed and some forms of public transport (eg. buses) run on the state holiday schedule. In some areas, such as Perry County in Tennessee, Good Friday is a school holiday. Good Friday is a holiday designated by the governor as a day of fasting and prayer in Connecticut.
In accordance with state law, Indiana state employees are given a day off on Good Friday, a religious holiday. In 1999, in the case of Bridenbaugh v O'Bannon, an Indiana state employee sued the governor for giving state employees Good Friday as a day off. The US Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against the plaintiff, stating that the government could give state employees a paid day off when that day is a religious holiday, including Good Friday, but only so long as the state can provide a valid secular purpose that coincides with the obvious religious purpose of the holiday.
The crucifix, or cross, which represents the way Jesus died, is an important symbol seen on Good Friday. Some crosses bear a figure of Christ. Other symbols of Good Friday include black cloth used to cover the cross, paintings and statues in churches and some homes to signify mourning.
Maha Srivaratri
Puranas contain many stories and legends describing the origin of this festival.
According to one, during the samudra manthan, a pot of poison emerged from the ocean. This terrified the Gods and demons as the poison was capable of destroying the entire world, and they ran to Shiva for help. To protect the world from its evil effects, Shiva drank the deathly poison but held it in his throat instead of swallowing it. This made his throat turn blue, and he was given the name Neelakantha, the blue-throated one. Shivaratri is the celebration of this event by which Shiva saved the world.According to another legend in the Shiva Purana, once the other two of the triads of Hindu Gods, Brahma and Vishnu, were fighting over who was the superior of the two. Horrified at the intensity of the battle, the other gods asked Shiva to intervene. To make them realize the futility of their fight, Shiva assumed the form of a huge column of fire in between Brahma and Vishnu. Awestruck by its magnitude, they decided to find one end each to establish supremacy over the other. Brahma assumed the form of a swan and went upwards and Vishnu as Varaha went into the earth. But light has no limit and though they searched for thousands of miles, neither could find the end. On his journey upwards, Brahma came across a Ketaki flower wafting down slowly. When asked where she had come from, the Ketaki replied that she had been placed at the top of the fiery column as an offering. Unable to find the uppermost limit, Brahma decided to end his search and take the flower as a witness.
At this, the angry Shiva revealed his true form. He punished Brahma for telling a lie, and cursed him that no one would ever pray to him. The Ketaki flower too was banned from being used as an offering for any worship, as she had testified falsely. Since it was on the 14th day in the dark half of the month of Phalguna that Shiva first manifested himself in the form of a Linga, the day is especially auspicious and is celebrated as Mahashivaratri. Worshipping Shiva on this day is believed to bestow one with happiness and prosperity.
A legend explains the all-night worship of Shiva on Shivratri. There was once a poor tribal man who was great devotee of Shiva. One day he went deep into the forest to collect firewood. However he lost his way and could not return home before nightfall. As darkness fell, he heard the growls of wild animals. Terrified, he climbed onto the nearest tree for shelter till day-break. Perched amongst the branches, he was afraid he would doze and fall off the tree. To stay awake, he decided to pluck a leaf at a time from the tree and drop it, while chanting the name of Shiva. At dawn, he realized that he had dropped a thousand leaves onto a Linga to keep himself awake, the tribal plucked one leaf at a time from the tree and dropped it below which he had not seen in the dark. The tree happened to be a wood apple or bel tree. This unwitting all-night worship pleased Shiva, by whose grace the tribal was rewarded with divine bliss. This story is also recited on Mahashivaratri by devotees on fast. After observing the all-night fast, devotees eat the Prasad offered to Shiva.
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